Simply one of the most important metal bands on the planet right now, Trivium have been threatening to make that final leap from established contenders to full-on metal heroes for the last few years. With Shogun, their fourth and manifestly best album to date, they have clearly mastered the metal arts and are ready to step into the arena with the genre’s greats. With over 600 live shows under their belt to date, Florida’s finest are ready to hit the road again… And at the A in Luxembourg, Trivium is meeting up with Black Stone Cherry for the one and only, exclusive clubshow both bands are scheduled to play together in Europe this year! Black Stone Cherry hail from deep down in Louisiana. The band can churn out riffs that’ll put hair on your chest. They crank out choruses that are fit for a fist-raising rebel rousing. Have fun!
- Venue: den Atelier
- Where: 54 rue de Hollerich, 1740 Luxembourg
- Doors: 7:00 pm